
CS2 Knowledge Quiz

Check your CS2 knowledge and pass the test with 9 of 10 correct answers to show that you are a true CS2 master!

New 10 questions on each try!

The questions and answers are always shuffled. As well as in any online game, don’t even try to cheat!


Congratulations! You Passed! Well done! Your knowledge of Counter-Strike 2 is impressive. You’ve proven that you understand the game’s mechanics and strategies inside and out. Keep up the good work, and continue mastering your skills. Remember, the best players are always learning, so keep absorbing knowledge and improving your gameplay. Continue to challenge yourself and strive for excellence. Happy gaming!

Unfortunately, You Didn’t Pass This Time. Don’t be discouraged! Counter-Strike 2 is a complex game with a lot to learn, and it’s normal to not know everything. Take this as an opportunity to further expand your knowledge and improve your gameplay. Use our guides, keep playing, and don’t hesitate to retake the quiz when you’re ready. Remember, every master was once a beginner. Keep striving, and you’ll get there. Good luck, and we hope to see you back here soon!

#1. Which CS2 weapon is known for its high fire rate but low accuracy?

#2. In competitive mode, how many seconds does a CT have to defuse the bomb without a defuse kit?

#3. How many types of firing modes does the Glock-18 have?

#4. What term is used to describe buying a weapon for a teammate?

#5. How many bullets does the CZ75-Auto hold in its magazine?

#6. Which CS2 map has a call-out known as "Banana"?

#7. What is the term for deliberately killing your teammate?

#8. How much health and armor does a player start with at the beginning of a round in competitive mode?

#9. What is the name of the map that is set in a nuclear power plant?

#10. What is the command to mute all players in a CS2 match?
